As an assessment and management tool, it helps answer all those 'how to' questions in regards to asbestos in your property or workplace
How do I centralise all my asbestos workplace risks?
AsbestosEdge helps by migrating existing and historical data to one platform prior to assessments being performed, multiple site listings and locations can be uploaded from single sites to national portfolios.

How can I access my asbestos register?
AsbestosEdge allows you to access your reports and asbestos registers online, with option to download in pdf and excel formats to help contractors identify risks on-site in real-time. The platform allows full access to risk assessments for asbestos and nominated hazardous materials, including photographs and locations, with the capability to upload clearance documentation, and any additional information regarding the site.

How to identify asbestos with my property and/or workspace?
For clients, this centralised web-application enables access to the most up-to-date hazardous building materials information without the potential of lost or misplaced hard copy registers. The web application also allows the inclusion of clearance certificates, prompts future site actions, and is able to retain historical reports.

How can I track all my asbestos risks?
The dashboard gives users a visual representation of locations, buildings and observations allowing efficient management of priority items requiring remediation of their identified asbestos risks. Furthermore, it gives users a snapshot of all risks in real time, reducing desktop reporting.